Interesting is it not when a religion can make up its own defined rules to which it governs, changing at random as
it sees fit, but then again this organization was always an orchestration of corruption so therefore its not all too surprising.
not so long ago, the wtbts redefined the word "prophesying".
this was because to prophesy, means " to predict or speak by divine inspiration" - oxford dictionary.
(see the witchtower "beware of false prophets" ).
Interesting is it not when a religion can make up its own defined rules to which it governs, changing at random as
it sees fit, but then again this organization was always an orchestration of corruption so therefore its not all too surprising.
jehovah`s witness`s have the most stable marriages..very few jehovah`s witness`s cheat on thier mates..most jehovah`s witness`s stay married for thier entire lifes to the same person..jehovah`s witness`s have the happiest marriages!..becoming jehovah`s witness`s,has saved many experience has taught me none of that is true.................what is your experience?............................outlaw.
If one thing can be said JWS are one of those religions that if one partner stops being a follower the chances of that marriage
dissolving is more than likely, people who post in this forum will contest to that.
i really havent been on here in a while, but recently a coworker, who i respect, told me of an "incident" that happened that i really cant for the hel lof it ..thought id share :).
for clarity here some background on my friend/coworker:he is a siek indian, the type that wear a turbin/bushy beard, very sensitive as to being "brown" in an agressive way ie: not the type to take any crap from anyone..., very smart, anyways he is about to get married now, but, 3 yrs ago in his dorm room at the university of windsor in ont canada his roommate left for the evening.
he takes a shower, then goes to the mirror to shave and says from the corner of his eye he sees a flash of "something" go by him very quckly/ faintly.
Psychotic hallucinating drugs or a psychotic episode brought forward due to mental problems
and these can occur no matter what religion your associated with.
I would think Crisjoel that would be educated enough to discern what is occurring in these events,
but then again you might be a mentally unbalanced JW too
jehovah`s witness`s have the most stable marriages..very few jehovah`s witness`s cheat on thier mates..most jehovah`s witness`s stay married for thier entire lifes to the same person..jehovah`s witness`s have the happiest marriages!..becoming jehovah`s witness`s,has saved many experience has taught me none of that is true.................what is your experience?............................outlaw.
It could be looked upon as marriages that are being controlled by a religious orders or faith might be perceived to be stable,
these given controls might very well make for stability but they can also produce unhappiness and a assortment of other
emotional problems for individuals.
one thing about being an active jdub is that you are never encouraged to actually think.
sure you think your thinking, but once your out, and start asking some questions that you never even considered before, it becomes apparent that you weren't.
it becomes clear that we were indeed "conditioned".. decades of sitting in a chair listening to the same thing, over and over again.
1975 and the commercialization of this organization was probably the starting point for me being a bit more analytical.
Somehow I couldn't get around the fact of god's one and only true organization to do such a thing and actually sell it
to people all at the same time, this appeared to me very illogical and perhaps deviously corrupt.
when we leave the wbt$ religious cult "jehovah`s witness`s"..the wbt$ encourages our familys to have little,or nothing to do with us..........our own jehovah`s witness parents will do exactly as the wbt$ commands..mine jehovah`s witness parents told other jehovah`s witness`s,"i hated all jehovah`s witness`s"..not true..i just did`nt like the religion..i had no problem with most individual jw` did your jehovah`s witness family treat you,when you no longer wanted to participate as a jehovah`s witness?...........................................................................outlaw.
OK for me, of course I never made a fuss about it one way or the other, I just started to a show a lack of interest in it.
Its when you start a big opposing viewpoint to the whole thing then you you'll get the wall of religious fervor placed upon you.
jehovah`s witness`s have the most stable marriages..very few jehovah`s witness`s cheat on thier mates..most jehovah`s witness`s stay married for thier entire lifes to the same person..jehovah`s witness`s have the happiest marriages!..becoming jehovah`s witness`s,has saved many experience has taught me none of that is true.................what is your experience?............................outlaw.
jehovah`s witness`s have the most stable marriages..very few jehovah`s witness`s cheat on thier mates..most jehovah`s witness`s stay married for thier entire lifes to the same person..jehovah`s witness`s have the happiest marriages!..becoming jehovah`s witness`s,has saved many experience has taught me none of that is true.................what is your experience?............................outlaw.
Not a true statement at all, particularly so for the reasons that many have stated.
Many of the marriages were forced marriages in the way that sex can not be conducted unless one is married,
which usually forces young people who aren't emotionally mature enough or ready for this kind of commitment and just
like non- JWS the highest rate of divorces are in the 20 year old group.
I can remember teenagers young as 15, 16 getting married.
One other thing that stirs instability in JWS marriages is the degrading and demeaning role that the JWS wifes play as the subjective
servant to their more powerful husbands, in this day of equality between the sexes this causes all sorts instability in jws
marriages at home, of course there are many men that enjoyed this arrangement to its fullest.
so it seemed simple enough.
i had heard about this former witness friend of mine ( late 1980's to early 1990's ) having gone through a divorce from his pioneer wife 2 years ago.
long story short- he had been an elder , wife had the jc elders wrapped around her finger - finally the evidence came out she committed adultery and she was dfed.
Its a shame that people cant rationalize things in a balanced way, but thats the way religion works it creates its own power and
then establishes mechanisms to keep the power that it has obtained.
One of those mechanisms utilized is of course is simple fear, fear of what will happen to an individual if he or she doesn't follow in with god's
solemn organization or if the individual opposes this organization.
Another instituted doctrine thats plays a leading role is this organization is it's unlike the other many false religions out there
this one is the only true Christian faith and so the members will inevitably stand strongly for it, even to the point of out and out lying
in its defense. Well at least Flipper you gave that guy something to think about and mull over for a bit maybe even piqued his intellect a little.
Talking to these people in a calm and meaningful manner is good for them and who knows maybe they may actually open their eyes to
what really is going on.
the truth = yes we are!!
ive said this in the past but really why am i at the door...not to sell vaccum cleaners!
we dont "force" people to change religions.....we just force them to stay in with disfellowshiping......."we don't hate gays".......we are just waiting for them to be burnt to death at armagedon..
Well they of course have the one and only true religion as the WTS. has told them over and over again,
this prolonged mental indoctrination has been developed with everyone who studies their literature and listens to their talks
and thats what its been exactly designed to do, with intension.
The main structuring of the JWS is to promotion and circulation of the WTS. publishings to create wealth.